February 2025

About the Cabane

La Societe De Femme

The La Societe De Femmeis an organization formed in 1963 and associated with La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Cheveau (40/8), made up of female members affiliated with Voyageurs Militaire & Veterans.
We hold our own independent Charter and Constitution. Therefore we are not considered an auxiliary of the 40/8. Membership is by invitation only.

Each of our units and officers are named after the French Railroad. Our units and titles parallel the Voyageurs except that each unit is called Cabane (Caboose). All of our programs are the same as the 40/8, which aids the Voiture and works toward the betterment of La Societe as a whole.


For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, to support and assist the organization of La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux and to advance its principles and programs.


Membership is limited to only female relatives, wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmother, granddaughters, step-daughters (as long as eligibility is maintained legally), and be  affiliated with a 40/80er, an American Legion Member or a Veteran. Must be 18 years of age or older. Must be invited to join by a La Femme.


It all started on September 19th, 1963, the Grande du Indiana issued a Charter for La Societe De Femme, and on October 4th, 1963, the first Cabane Locale, Cabane 145 de Indiana was born. It was chartered with 48 Members. Today their numbers continue to grow with Cabanes being formed in every state and county and continuing to grow each year in membership.